The 7 Universal Laws are in effect whether we are aware of them or
not. Knowing what the universal laws are and how they work will
change your understanding and perception of reality, It will evolve
your brain and expand your consciousness, It will move you closer to
the nature of truth and ultimate reality. It will empower you to
greatness beyond your wildest dreams and it will change your life.
The Universal Laws connect you at a deeper level with Ancient
Wisdom and align you with the Divine Creative Source. When you apply
the knowledge and experience of the Universal Laws yourself, you
begin to live in Wisdom. You can apply them to create any life you
The 7 laws are 1. The law of Cause and Effect
2. The law of Vibration
3. The law of Periodicity
4. The law of Reciprocity
5. The law of Relativity
6. The law of Manifestation
7. The law of Polarity
The more you give, the more you receive. It may not seem to happen that way immediately, but it applies to every aspect of life. The more you love, the more love you receive. We are one with each other and with everything else in existence. Humans have always suffered from a separation paradigm. We feel as though we are separate from each other and from existence. This is an illusion; it is only the unconscious mind playing tricks on us. We may have subtle differences in color, ethnicity, religion, beliefs, etc., but we are the same. There is One God, the “Universal All-Pervading Presence of Life”, “The One”, who is the Source of all love and light in existence. We are made of the same substance as everything else in the universe. There is no separateness, no duality from each other. What we do to each other we do to our self. If you harm another being you harm yourself. What I do to others I do to my self.
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